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Weatherization services help families lower energy bills and stay warmer in the winter
Winters in Northern New York are tough; especially for families who have higher energy bills due to energy inefficient homes.
Many, especially the elderly who are on fixed incomes, simply can’t afford to upgrade insulation or improve their home’s heating system. This leaves them little choice but to face yet another winter trying to stay warm.
The good news is, there's help! Lewis County Opportunities' Weatherization Service helps eligible families live more affordably by providing energy-saving home repairs, as well as education on energy conservation and heating system maintenance.
Services include: hi-tech energy audits, air sealing, insulation, and other measures to raise the efficiency of home heating systems. This doesn’t just mean keeping the home warmer in winter, but also cooler during the hot summer months.
When a family applies for the program, a Building Analyst visits the home and performs an 'audit' (or assessment) of what it will take to make the home more energy efficient. This includes an air quality test for any gas leaks, drafts in the heating system, and combustion efficiency of the heating system. The Analyst also measures the square footage of the home, takes notes on how many windows and doors there are in the home as well as what type they are. The Analyst also checks the insulation value as well as the quality of insulation, even checking the refrigerator as that may also be energy inefficient. Once the audit is completed, the data is run through a special computer program to determine an ‘investment ratio’ that determines if the home is eligible under the program. If the family also meets other eligibility requirements, work begins on the home once the crew finishes up prior projects. The time it takes to weatherize a typical home can take as little as one day or as long as a week.
If you have any questions regarding how to fill out your application, please feel free to contact us and we can assist you
Weatherization Services is funded under the NYS Homes and Community Renewal and has been operated by Opportunities in Lewis County for over 30 years.
NY Energy Advisor: a one-stop shop website to increase awareness of and access to an array of efficiency programs, resources, and assistance for low-to-moderate (LMI) income households in New York State.