Victim Services
315-376-8202 Extension: 4
or call
Hotline: 315-376-HELP (4357)
The Victim Services program provides free confidential services to crime victims; with special emphasis on domestic violence and sexual assault. Our goal is to empower victims and their families, assist them in regaining control of their lives, and ultimately move towards healing.

Opportunities invites you to participate in a survey!
Below is the link! Data will be used to improve the response and services for crime victims.
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The Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (R.A.I.N.N.)
Our Services:
Community Education & Outreach
Crime Victims Compensation Services
How to file a discrimination complaint or other complaint with the NYS Office of Victim Services
Would you like to become a crisis hotline volunteer?
You will be fully trained, and can do it from the comfort of your own home!
Safety information for victims
Lasting-effects of domestic violence on adults and children
Domestic violence is a LGBT issue
Can a male be a victim of sexual abuse?
How to help a friend in a abusive relationship
Leaving a domestic violence situation: What about my pet?
How to lower your risk for drug-facilitated rape
Precautions college students can take against sexual assault