Critical Needs
Extension: 1
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Lewis County Opportunities' Critical Needs Program can make a difference by providing assistance for unexpected expenses. These could include, but are not limited to:
Transportation (vehicle repair, insurance, tires, other transportation related expenses).
Rent/Utility Assistance
How does it work?
A consumer completes an application which is reviewed by a Family Services Worker. Together the consumer and worker determine family needs, establish a budget, and identify at least one goal. An estimate for the request is obtained by the consumer from one or more of our local reputable vendors (of your choice). The request is reviewed for cost-effectiveness and approved if acceptable. The consumer will be responsible for whatever portion the agency is unable to pay (which will be verified with the vendor at the time of acceptance).
This program has been a great resource for the needs in our community and is limited only by lack of funding to meet these needs.
What are the eligibility requirements?
You must be a resident of Lewis County, New York;
You must be willing to meet with a worker to create a budget and if enrolled, identify strengths and goals to help you establish self-sufficiency with your transportation needs;
Other requirements may apply depending on the type of service you're applying for; which we'll be happy to discuss during your appointment.
How do I obtain more information or set up an appointment?
Click on the links below to access the information needed to apply for Critical Needs assistance. As soon as we get all necessary information, your request will be processed.
Here is the Critical Needs Application. Please fill out the entire form and return with the additional information requested on the cover page. Please call us if you have any questions at 315-376-8202
​Once you've completed your application, mail or drop it off to:
Family Services Dept
Lewis County Opportunities
8265 State Route 812
Lowville, NY 13367
Can't come in? Call us at 315-376-8202 ext. 1 and we will go through the application over the phone.
During non-business hours, you can use our drop box located at our program building entrance (where the long ramp is). Once we receive your application, we will review it and call to set up an appointment.
​Needed items are stated in the cover letter or we can let you know when you call for an appointment.