Board of Directors

Daina Dicob
Private Sector

Sheri Schulz
Private Sector

Jake Moser
Public Sector

Pamela Stanley
Target Sector

Genevieve Fidler
Private Sector

Kristen Aucter
Private Sector

Judy Karelus
Target Sector

Loren Lyndaker
Elected Public Official

Jennifer Jones
Elected Public Official

Marilyn Patterson
Elected Public Official

Jannet Seelman
Target Sector

Jeanne Wooding
Target Sector
About The Board of Directors:
The Board of Directors oversees the business of Opportunities. It is comprised of the following three sectors of representation; consistent with Federal statute:
One third (1/3) of the Board of Directors shall be elected Public Officials or their representatives, and they shall be elected to this Board by a Resolution of this Board of Directors. These elected Public Officials or their representatives must be holding office on the date of selection. In the case of representatives, they must also be residing in Lewis County during their term as a Board member. The selection of elected Public Officials or their representatives is solely the business of this Board of Directors, pursuant to PL 105-285 as amended.
At least one-third (1/3) of the members of the Board of Directors shall be representatives of low income persons living in Lewis County. Representatives shall be chosen in accordance with democratic selection procedures to ensure maximum feasible participation of low income persons in Lewis County and with effort to have broad geographic representation. Representatives must maintain primary residence within Lewis County. Written procedures will be maintained and utilized by the Board of Directors to guide the selection process.
The remainder of the members of the Board of Directors shall be representatives of such interests as, but not limited to: human services, charity, volunteers, education, industry, labor, faith based organizations, and any significant minority groups not heretofore mentioned. Individual members of the community who are sympathetic to the mission of Opportunities may also be considered. After due consideration, representatives or individuals shall be appointed by the Board. All representatives must be residents of Lewis County.
All nominees are presented to the Board of Directors through the Board's nominating committee. The resultant Board membership approval is via a Board resolution. Members of the Board of Directors from all sectors shall serve a term of three (3) years and may be re-appointed or re-elected to consecutive terms. If an elected public official loses or steps down from their elected public office, they or their representative may fulfill their current term.
Board Meetings:
Regular meetings of the Board of Directors typically occur on the third Monday of January, March, May, July, September and November. Meetings are open to the public; to confirm specific meeting dates and times, please call: 315-376-8202, extension 236.
Interested in becoming a Board member?
If you are interested in becoming a Board member, please call 376-8202, extension 247 for more information.